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Claim the wealth you deserve

Make 👏🏽 money 👏🏽 moves

You’re in the right place if you’re a woman of color who wants to achieve financial security & build wealth! 

The number of women-owned businesses increased from 2014 to 2019, but average revenue only increased for white owned businesses.
Source: 2019 Amex State of Women-Owned Businesses Report
In America, Black women hold 90% less wealth than white men.
Source: Goldman Sachs 2021 Black Womenomics Report
Only one in four C-suite leaders is a woman, and only one in 20 is a woman of color.
Source: Women in the Workplace Report, 2022
Immigrant households tend to have lower incomes than native born households.
Source: Migration Policy Institute
In 2016, the typical white family had 7-10x more wealth than typical Latino and black families.
Source: Asset Funders Network
For every 100 men promoted from entry-level roles to manager positions, only 87 women are promoted, and only 82 women of color are promoted
Source: Women in the Workplace Report, 2022
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Stop earning, start building

wealth is what you keep

When it comes to personal finance, women of color know how to hustle and make money. That’s a given. I’m not saying you should stop working hard… at least not yet! But please believe that there’s a world in which you aren’t exchanging all of your time and energy for (not enough) money. It requires being proactive about building wealth.

Wealth unlocks access, options, experiences, security and freedom.

Unfortunately, very few of us have tools to build lasting, meaningful wealth due to factors such as:

  • Limited access to financial education
  • Cultural taboos around money
  • Marginalization & discrimination
  • Unconscious bias in the workplace, and
  • Other systemic factors out of our control

It might not be easy at first, but it’s time to start believing that it’s possible. Our goal is to help you get there. 💪🏽

women of color diversity

10 "Cash Commandments"

for women of color

Use this set of principles to empower you on your wealth journey.

Earn it, spend it & grow it unapologetically.

We are worthy of wealth.

Acknowledge the world wasn’t built for us yet find ways to prevail.

Learn the strategies, shortcuts & loopholes that have kept wealth in the same hands for centuries.

The money taboo keeps us broke and powerless.

We look beyond the limits of our socialization.

Heal past traumas and build a positive relationship with money.

It’s a rigged game. Freedom is escape from the rat race.

Assets, investments & compound interest are the cheat code.

I'm Lissa

Founder + Accredited Financial Counselor®

I empower women of color to take action towards building wealth.

After a decade-long career in the tech industry, I pivoted into helping women of color with their personal finances. I’m an advocate for inclusion, ESPECIALLY when it comes to money!

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